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Feeling It All

amanda oler

 “Equanimity. The unattached awareness of one’s experience as a result of perceiving the impermanence of momentary reality. It is a peace of mind and abiding calmness that cannot be shaken by any grade of either fortunate or unfortunate circumstances.”

The transition from spring to summer often finds me giddy as I break out my colorful bed linens. The doors and windows in my home are wide open, inviting in the warm, sweet smells of sunshine-kissed blooms. With school-age children, and my daughter’s birthday in June, this has always been a celebratory time for my family. This year especially so, as I embark on one of my biggest transitions since motherhood—entering into my empty nesting phase as my son, Elliot, goes off to college.

To celebrate this, I got our family together in my new home. 

And celebrate we did! I loved prepping my space for family to arrive as we gathered together to celebrate Elliot. If you know me you know I am inspired by nature and music. (Summer Solstice playlist here)


I think my home and the party reflected that well! Zoe (or princess, as her Theo lovingly refers to her) debuted her chef skills. Like the pro she is, she blew our minds (and pallets) away.  Having my family reunited after a trying year was a welcomed gift. Witnessing the laughter and smiles on my nephew’s faces as they reunited with their cousins made my heart swell with pride. (We did a good job, sis!). 

With my youngest getting ready to flee the coup, I am deep in ALL of the feelings. Formerly when I felt any sort of discomfort, my natural instinct was to create destruction. Not just tough or sad discomfort, but joyful discomfort as well. Any emotion was subject to intense fear-based scrutiny. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of letting go. 


When I feel this familiar discomfort and fear bubble up, I try to remember something my father once told me: “You know what the problem is, babe? You don’t trust the process of life.”

Well, he was right. But thankfully, at this stage of my life I’ve learned that things don’t have to be black and white. Beauty and sorrow can be felt simultaneously. There’s space for everything to exist at once. Endings are also beginnings and nothing truly has to leave us if we don’t want it to. Our experiences become a part of our DNA, for better or for worse. Right now while I sit in the excitement of my son embarking on the adventure of his dreams, I’m also uncertain and worried about having a home with no children in it. And at the same time, I too am in the midst of living out one of my lifetime dreams—opening a boutique! Finally, a flagship for Elaia Body!

So, this season is about equanimity. Allowing myself to simply feel it all, without attachment or judgment. Like a true deadhead I’ll close with a cliche but oh-so-fitting lyric, “What a long strange trip it’s been”.

Happy Solstice, everyone! May these sunshiny days find you embracing both your bliss and your sorrows.

